One-page to rule them all!

Why a one-page website might be perfect for you and your business.

Tiny Blue Rocket
4 min readFeb 21, 2019


What is a one-page website?

I guess the name says it all! A one-page website is a website that can pack a powerful punch of information within only a single web page.

A one-page website can contain many sections. I can have loads of images and text blocks but does not require the user to change and load new pages, but simply scroll down the page.

A one-page website is far from a short-term solution or a compromise. There are many business types that could benefit greatly from a simple, single page site.

Think of a hair salon — what sort of information would they need to share with visitors to their website?

The answer is not a lot. What treatments they offer, where they are located, a contact number and maybe some images of what they do. The rest can be provided in the salon, on the phone or using a Messenger chatbot.

Does a business like a salon really need to pay hundreds or thousands of pounds for a 10-page website? Quite simply, no. The visitors to the website only want a brief idea of what they do — they do not want to click through loads of pages and read all of the information. Short, sharp and simple content will easily suffice.

So many other businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, carpet fitters, etc, can all make use of a one-page website and do not need to fill out pages upon pages of unnecessary information.

Find out more about our one-page web design services:

Why one-page

I’ve already explained that a one-page website is often enough for so many business types.

The other advantages vary between technical and monetary reasons.

Firstly, most web designers and agencies charge clients based on the scope and size of the website their building. Charging per page or by time-spent is quite common.

So when you need a new website ask yourself — does it need to be a multi-page website or would one-page suffice. The more pages the more it will cost.

Secondly, loading new pages takes time. In this modern, fast-paced world people are easily distracted or frustrated. The statistics show that if people have to wait for a web page to load they will go elsewhere. So the more pages your website has the longer the user will be waiting while a new page loads for them to find what they’re looking for.

Bloating a one-page website would, of course, have the most detrimental effect on page load time, but by spreading your website content over loads of pages it will frustrate and bore the user.

When thinking about a new website you need to strip back your expectations to the very basic question — ‘What do my visitors want from my website?’ Save yourself money and your visitors time by using a one-page design if it is appropriate.

Landing pages and lead generation pages

I’ve talked about using a one-page website for a business’ online presence, but there are other ways a one-page site can be useful.

If you are running promotions or using lead generation to gather user contact information, you can use a one-page layout to simply capture leads.

If your business would like to run promotions, probably from social media, where people give their name and phone number/email address to maybe win a prize or download a document, then a simple single-page design can be made to achieve this.

While we offer one-page websites for businesses if you just want help with lead generation forms and pages, get in touch and let us know.

In summary

A one-page website is designed to offer the user all of the information they could want or need about a business from a single click. No moving between pages or complex menus to navigate — just a seamless, frictionless experience.

At Tiny Blue Rocket we charge from £100 for a one-page website. If you are interested please click the button below to get in touch and discuss your one-page needs!

Find out more about our one-page web design services:



Tiny Blue Rocket

Pixel-perfect WordPress web design. All websites are built with the Elementor page builder and are designed to be really easy to edit & maintain.