Website Payment Plans

Tiny Blue Rocket
4 min readAug 5, 2020

It’s a challenging time to run a business. It’s never particularly easy, but it’s certainly more challenging than usual at the moment!

As challenging as it may be, businesses have to find a way to move forward and keep developing. One key way to stand out and be noticed is with a great, modern website for your business.

More and more business is operated online and consumers and customers expect to be able to interact with businesses online. But, how can a business navigate a choppy sea of financial uncertainty and still afford to improve their website?

At Tiny Blue Rocket we understand the challenges facing businesses and we are keen to help. We are offering website payment plans to help businesses spread out the cost of a brand new website. Pay whatever you can afford, however you can afford to pay it.

Why might you need a payment plan?

A rough estimate for a new website might start at around £500. You’d expect to pay at least that much for a small, modern and mobile-responsive website with most web design agencies. For larger websites or eCommerce stores you could be looking at at least £2000.

Websites aren’t cheap unless you want to build it yourself. I know that my business couldn’t easily find more than £500 for a single payment. We just don’t often have that much spare cash resting in our bank account and I know we’re know unique!

As the Internet becomes a basic human right, being online is a basic business expectation, but there’s no reason why you should have to find £100s or £1000s in one go. With our payment plans, you can take your website cost and split the payments.

How much would a new website cost?

Start by building your own website quote. Using our website price calculator, you can choose approximately how many pages your website needs, whether or not you want to have a store and add on hosting. With our price calculator, you are in total control of your website cost.

Once you’ve got a quote from us you can then decide how you’d like to pay that quoted price. We don’t charge extra or charge interest for using our price calculator. You pay that quote, just in whatever timeframe suits you best.

How can you split the payments?

Essentially, it’s up to you how you pay the bill. The customers we’ve had who’ve already chosen to use a payment plan have opted to pay monthly. A quoted price of £500 was split into 12 manageable payments of £41 (yes, we did round down the monthly price!).

As long as you have paid the balance in 12 months, it’s up to you.

Whether it’s paid in three instalments, quarterly, monthly or deferred for six months, it’s up to you. Every business has different ways of generating income, so find the way that suits your business.

What’s the catch?

At this point, you’d be thinking there was a catch. Perhaps there are hidden fees. It’s actually as good as it sounds.

Not only is offering payment plans good for your business, but it’s also actually great for us too. With the customers who’ve chosen to pay monthly, it has created guaranteed monthly income outside of our usual hosting fees. With the payment plan income, I’ve been able to better pay for software licenses and admin costs for Tiny Blue Rocket. It’s truly beneficial for all parties!

We don’t offer a substandard service or product, you get the same, pixel-perfect website however you choose to pay for it.

What do you get with one of our websites

All of the websites we built for clients are built within WordPress with the Elementor page builder. The goal for us and our clients is to make websites that are visually appealing, easy to use and ridiculously easy for our clients to maintain.

By building websites with the drag-and-drop Elementor page builder, it means you can easily edit your website content. All parts of the website are open for you to edit and you can easily expand or improve your own website. No part of our sites are locked down or require you to pay extra for editing or changing content.

We believe in delivering high-quality websites to our clients which require no extra or additional fees for editing the site. We also believe in providing first-class after-care with our learning portal and client training.

However, you pay for your next website, with a payment plan it’ll be the same quality experience!

In summary

If you’re looking for ways to keep your business growing, look to improve your website.

Don’t be put off by the price tag of a new website. With a website payment plan, you can pay your own way for your next site.

Build your own quote today and get in touch about a website payment plan.



Tiny Blue Rocket

Pixel-perfect WordPress web design. All websites are built with the Elementor page builder and are designed to be really easy to edit & maintain.